About Us

About us

We Care About The Future of Your Health

Welcome! I’m glad you’re here. My name is Jason. I work and have worked with just about every health challenge & issue imaginable. My commitment is to assist as many people through their own individual healing processes as possible. I will do whatever it takes on my side, then it’s up to you!

  I am a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Nutritionist, and Certified Hypnotherapist, who has been studying various forms of alternative medicine & healing for over 20 years. People have often stated the best way to describe me is a broad-spectrum Holistic Medicine Consultant & Practitioner. I have been officially seeing clients since 2003. 

  As someone who has had to overcome my own health issues, with no legitimate help from anyone else, I fully understand firsthand how frustrating it is when you can’t seem to get the right answers from anyone, no matter how hard you try.



Client Testimonials


Rachel, H.

Hello, I saw Jason after my doctor said I had Diabetes. I was very frustrated because I never planned on that. I didn't want to take medicine. Jason recommended some supplements and told me how to change my diet (even though I pretty much already know what to eat). My sugar levels went to normal after a few weeks and are still there!

John, F.

I had major immune problems and was getting sick all the time. Jason was able to figure out the cause, and then he put me on a few different supplements along with telling me how to eat, what exercises to do and the right water to drink. I felt better almost instantly and I no longer get sick!

Josh, T.

I was severely addicted to meth & coke. Jason really helped me to get over my addiction, not just the substance but all the stuff that was surrounding it. I now have to say I have my life back which I didn't think was possible.

Paul, R.

My name is Paul and am very skeptical of natural stuff because I always believed that doctors were the only way to go. But I saw Jason anyway thinking it couldn't hurt. Not only didn't it hurt, but my pain I had is completely gone and I can walk again without cringing. And I'm an old guy!

George, S.

Hello, I saw Jason for weight loss. He helped me lose 50 pounds through hypnosis and learning how to have a better relationship with food. I thank him from the bottom of my heart. I don't think I could've ever done it without his services.
Joan, S. Testimonial

Joan, S.

I've had a lot of problems in my life, and I saw Jason to hopefully help me with getting over them in a healthy way. It was affecting my mood, my job, and my life in general. After just a few sessions of hypnosis I felt much better and continued to go for a few more. Now I'm living much better and things don't affect me nearly as much.
What we provide

Keeping it Natural

Natural Healing
During a Holistic Medicine Consultation, I may integrate any combination of supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathy, Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, the right foods and the right type of water. Also important is the proper form of exercise, detox methods, and/or any other means I see fit to personalize the session for each individual client.
Stay Healthy For Good
I'm here to help you with whatever you need to be the happiest, healthiest, most successful person you can be! I've conducted lectures and workshops across the country on several areas of natural health, as well as have written articles and advertorials for several newspapers and magazines. I also had a radio show called 'Holistic Health & Healing' on Adrenaline Radio which is now available on podcast.

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