
Our Testimonials

What Patients Said After Coming to Us From Another Program:

The Sunset Wellness Institute Has The Most Amazing Tools And Cutting-Edge Training


Rachel, H.

Hello, I saw Jason after my doctor said I had Diabetes. I was very frustrated because I never planned on that. I didn't want to take medicine. Jason recommended some supplements and told me how to change my diet (even though I pretty much already know what to eat). My sugar levels went to normal after a few weeks and are still there!

John, F.

I had major immune problems and was getting sick all the time. Jason was able to figure out the cause, and then he put me on a few different supplements along with telling me how to eat, what exercises to do and the right water to drink. I felt better almost instantly and I no longer get sick!

Josh, T.

I was severely addicted to meth & coke. Jason really helped me to get over my addiction, not just the substance but all the stuff that was surrounding it. I now have to say I have my life back which I didn't think was possible.

Paul, R.

My name is Paul and am very skeptical of natural stuff because I always believed that doctors were the only way to go. But I saw Jason anyway thinking it couldn't hurt. Not only didn't it hurt, but my pain I had is completely gone and I can walk again without cringing. And I'm an old guy!

George, S.

Hello, I saw Jason for weight loss. He helped me lose 50 pounds through hypnosis and learning how to have a better relationship with food. I thank him from the bottom of my heart. I don't think I could've ever done it without his services.
Joan, S. Testimonial

Joan, S.

I've had a lot of problems in my life, and I saw Jason to hopefully help me with getting over them in a healthy way. It was affecting my mood, my job, and my life in general. After just a few sessions of hypnosis I felt much better and continued to go for a few more. Now I'm living much better and things don't affect me nearly as much.

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